San Lorenzo Canyon Hike – 11/14/2014

This is a “catchup” post created in 2018, for a hike/expedition back in 2014, prior to starting the BLOG. 

The Drive In

Good directions to San Lorenzo Canyon are offered AllTrails page for the canyon. Turn west on a dirt road about 4.5 miles north of Lemitar. Then about 1.9 miles, turn right (north), which takes one down into the ‘wash’, the sandy bottom of San Lorenzo Arroyo.  Follow the wash until you encounter a rock wall blocking further driving. 

The Hike

San Lorenzo Canyon Hike.Vince.2014-11-14

For this outing Vince and I wandered about in the vicinity of the rock wall. It involved a bit of climbing up steep rock outcroppings, but the area was easy to explore.  ‘Tis interesting geology, and the views – of the canyon and rocks and the vistas of the surrounding area, made the visit quite enjoyable.


Total Distance:  1.50 miles
Elevation: start  5,253 ft, maximum  5,541 ft,  minimum  5,253  ft
Gross gain:  288 ft.  Aggregate ascending  619 ft, descending  615 ft
Maximum slope: 37% ascending, 42% descending, 12.2% average
Duration:  4:00

GPS Track Files for Download
If you haven’t explored these hiking tracks with Google Earth, I urge you to try it. With the virtual 3-dimensional presentation, achieved by panning and tilting the view, you can get a much better idea of the hikes and terrain than you can get from the screenshot above. For some ideas, check out  Using Google Earth Track Files.


BLM: San Lorenzo Canyon
Visit Socorro:  San Lorenzo Canyon
AllTrails:  San Lorenzo Canyon
Wetherill Family: San Lorenzo Canyon, New Mexico

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One Response to San Lorenzo Canyon Hike – 11/14/2014

  1. Vincent Humann says:

    This was a really wonderful hike. The canyon is just spectacular.

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