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Category Archives: San Juan Basin
Mesa Penistaja Hike – 04/22/2018
Headed back to Mesa Penistaja with Pat to take in more of the amazing scenery, geology, and of course the superabundance of petrified wood. The Drive In Chose to take a two-track off of the northbound road (Penistaja Road?) that … Continue reading
Mesa Penistaja Hike – 04/07/2018
We returned to Mesa Penistaja, having visited back in 2014. This is truly an amazing place – badlands (mesas and arroyos), large variety of landforms, and petrified wood everywhere. And the hoodoos, small and large, create in some places a … Continue reading
Mesa de Cuba West Hike – 03/25/2018
Back to the Cuba area, to explore a small mesa between Mesa de Cuba and Mesa Chijuilla. As I’ve done for other hikes recently, in the absence of a track someone has published, I began by exploring the area on … Continue reading
Penistaja Mesa Hike – 11/30/2014
I’m writing this in 2018, preparing to head out to Penistaja Mesa tomorrow. We hiked here back in 2014. We were introduced to this area around Mesa de Cuba by an article in New Mexico Magazine, Badlands Walkabout. We visited … Continue reading
Mesa de Cuba Hike – 03/27/2015
Feb 2018: This is another ‘looking back’ entry in our Hiking Journal. This area has the most fascinating geology – rock formations, soil types, and an occasional piece of petrified wood. Just wandering around, we found so many interesting feats … Continue reading