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Category Archives: Manzanos
Manzano Campground Trails Walk – 04/20/2023
Our first camping trip with our new R-Pod 171, to the Manzano Mountains State Park campground. The RP-171 is like our old RP-171, but has no slideout. So this was our first opportunity to face the challenge of figuring out … Continue reading
Priest Canyon Explore – 09/18/2017
Pat & I have occasionally taken some time away from our cabin to explore the Manzano Mountains. For this trip, we drove the length of Forest Road 422, which goes the length of the Canyon. The Drive In Sadly, I … Continue reading
Gran Quivira Expedition – 12/31/2020
Sticking to our plan for a weekly “outing”, and facing uncertain weather, we chose to visit Gran Quivira, one of the Pueblo ruins in the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. We’ve visited the other two, Abó and Quarai (which is … Continue reading
Los Piños Hike – 03/24/2020
Exploring again new territory, this trip the periphery of the Los Piños mountain range south of the Manzanos. I did a lot of planning to identify the roads we would use and anticipating a mixture of private, state, and federal … Continue reading
Fourth of July, Cerro Blanco, Manzano Crest Trails Hike – 10/03/2019
Fourth of July Campground and the Trail are a favorite place to visit in autumn. The maple trees burst forth in autumn with colors that rival that of the flowers during spring and summer in New Mexico. The Drive In … Continue reading
Fourth of July Hike – 11/17/2017
Introduction ‘Tis our plan on our visits to the cabin at El Cerrito to take out a day during our stay and hike in the Manzanos. On this trip we headed to the Fourth of July Campground and chose the … Continue reading
El Cerrito Walkabout – 10/10/2017
Pat’s brother Steve and wife Sharon visited, and of course we included a trip to our cabin, El Cerrito, near Manzano. The Walkabout We made the usual tour of our cabin and 120 acres. Up the hill from the cabin … Continue reading
Red Canyon, Manzano Crest, Spruce Spring Backpack – 05/12/2015
This was my first backpacking trip since high school – one overnight on the crest of the Manzano Mountains. And with Marlin who has backpacking experience – great help with logistics and confidence. (Updated later – in 2019.) The Hike … Continue reading
Ox Canyon Hike – 04/08/2017
On Sunday, the second day of our two-nights in Manzano Mountains State Campground we headed for the Ox Canyon trail. We chose it over Kayser Mill or Spruce Spring because on the topo map it appeared to be not as … Continue reading
Red Canyon Hike – 04/08/2017
This weekend Jay and I set up our R-Pod camper at the Manzano Mountains State Campground, as a shakedown for future trips further afield. And it brought us near to four of the fine trails in the Manzano Mountains. … Continue reading