Cholula Walkabout – 02/01/2020

During our visit to Oaxaca, we made a 4-day visit to Puebla during which we made a side trip to Cholula. This post is being prepared 6 months later, so the description is minimal, but I invite you to enjoy our photos.

Getting There

We hired Uber to deliver us from Puebla to Cholula, some 8 miles, and for the return.

The Walkabout

Cholula Walkabout.Pat.2020-02-01

During our walkabout we enjoyed a lunch in a local cafe, visited the church Parroquia de San Andrés Apóstol, then visited the Great Pyramid and Iglesia de Nuestra Señora. As part of the visit to Iglesia de Nuestra Señora we toured the interior including the tunnels beneath the church which were part of the pyramid build by the Aztecs. While at the Great Pyramid we happened to come across a procession bringing one of their saints up to the church – truly a treat for our visit. From there we found our way to Cholula’s Zocalo and  toured the grounds of the San Gabriel Franciscan Convent including the huge Capilla Real. We finished the day by walking through a market area near the Zocalo. Then another Uber ride back to Puebla


Total Distance:  6.02 miles
Elevation: start  7,044 ft, maximum  7,214 ft,  minimum  7,008 ft
Gross gain:  206 ft.  Aggregate ascending  790 ft, descending  791 ft
Maximum slope: 25% ascending, 36% descending, 3.5% average
Duration: 8:22

GPS Track Files for Download
I urge you to explore our hiking tracks with Google Earth. With the virtual 3-dimensional presentation, achieved by panning and tilting the view, you can get a much better idea of the hikes and terrain than you can get from the 2-dimensional screenshot above. For assistance: Using Google Earth Track Files.

References and Resources

Wikipedia: Cholula, Puebla
                     Great Pyramid of Cholula
                     San Gabriel Franciscan Convent, Cholula
SFGate: Inside Cholula’s labyrinth: Exploring Mexico’s largest pyramid cholula pyramid
Science Alert: The World’s largest Pyramid Is Hidden Under a Mountain in Mexico
BBC Future: The giant pyramid hidden inside a mountain
Mexperience: Exprience Cholula
Atlas Obscura: The Great Pyramid of Cholula

Last Updated on February 28, 2022 by George Young

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