Category Archives: Oaxaca

Posts from trips to Oaxaca, MX.

Cholula Walkabout – 02/01/2020

During our visit to Oaxaca, we made a 4-day visit to Puebla during which we made a side trip to Cholula. This post is being prepared 6 months later, so the description is minimal, but I invite you to enjoy … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Oaxaca, Tours, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Cuajimoloyas-Benito Juarez Hike – 02/05/2020

After a restful night in the very nice cabańa in Cuajimoloyas and a good breakfast with José, we headed into the pueblo to meet Efilio, our guide for the day. Then we walked to the edge of Cuajimoloyas and into … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Oaxaca, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Llano Grande-Cuajimoloyas Hike – 02/04/2020

Pat arranged this two day adventure months ago through Expediciones Sierra Norte, the organization who arranges hiking in the Pueblos Mancomunados. Our guide, José, picked us up at our place of lodging in Oaxaca City for the drive to Llano … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Flowers, Oaxaca, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Capulálpam de Mendéz, Pueblo Mágico Hike – 01/25/2020

We returned to Capulálpam to enjoy this Pueblo Mágico and a treatment at the Traditional Medicine Center. Oh yes, and a hike on their beautiful forest trail. Since there is no bus service and the collectivos are uncomfortable (they drive … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Oaxaca, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Piedra Tenate Driveabout & Hike – 01/21/2020

This was our second hike on a two day adventure in San Miguel del Valle in the Tlacolula Valley in Oaxaca. We spent the night in an Ecotourism cabin in the pueblo, then met our guide Memo for another trip … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Driveabout, Oaxaca, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Cueva de Bandidos Driveabout and Hike – 01/20/2020

For this post, in addition to describing a Hike in the territory of the village of San Miguel del Valle in the Sierra Norte, this entry in my journal is also about the Story leading up to this adventure and … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Driveabout, Flowers, Oaxaca | Tagged | Leave a comment

Mitla Caves Hike – 01/18/2020

The first trip to the mountains and hiking on this year’s visit to Oaxaca. While Pat attended a cooking class in Oaxaca City, I joined a group from the Oaxaca Lending Library (OLL) for an excursion to visit prehistoric caves … Continue reading

Posted in 2020, Oaxaca, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Capulálpam de Mendéz, Pueblo Mágico Hike – 01/19/2019

During our visit to Oaxaca, we stayed 3 nights in Capulálpam de Méndez, a small village in the Sierra Madre dele Norte, some 25 miles northeast of Oaxaca City.  Capulálpam is one of the Pueblo Mágico villages, noted particularly for … Continue reading

Posted in 2019, Oaxaca | Tagged | Leave a comment

Monte Albán Walkabout – 01/10/2019

During our visit to Oaxaca this year, we returned to Monte Albán with our friend Addie.  Again were impressed with the size of the site and of the buildings. So we walked only 1.7 miles..but we faced some elevation gain … Continue reading

Posted in 2019, Oaxaca, Years | Tagged , | Leave a comment

El Picacho Peak Hike – 01/23/2019

During our visit to Oaxaca, we stayed for 4 nights in Teotitlán del Valle, a village at the foot of the Sierra Madre del Norte mountains.  Teotitlán is notable in that most everyone in the village is a weaver, producing … Continue reading

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