Mesa Chijuilla Expedition – 02/20/2015

Vince and I went ‘wandering’ beyond Mesa de Cuba in the San Juan Badlands.  This “expedition” (multiple hikes) began with exploration of the east side of Mesa Chijuilla.  We then checked out another area with interesting features some 3 miles southwest of the first hike.  As you will see in the photos below, we encountered some interesting geologic features: strange rocks, hoodoos, vertical erosion patterns, and more. [This is a retro-post (June 2018), an expedition with Vince back in 2015.]

The Hikes

Mesa Chijuilla Expedition.Vince.2015-02-20.#1

Mesa Chijuilla Expedition.Vince.2015-02-20.#2


Hike #1
Total Distance:  1.90 miles
Elevation: start 7,091 ft,, maximum 7,205 ft, minimum 7,205
ft Gross gain:  114 ft, Aggregate ascending  341 ft, descending  343 ft
Maximum slope: 26% ascending, 29% descending, 6% average
Duration: 1:45

Hike #2
Total Distance:  1.12
Elevation: start 6,915 ft,, maximum 6,979 ft, minimum 6,915 ft
Gross gain:  64 ft, Aggregate  ascending  308 ft, descending  308 ft
Maximum slope: 37% ascending, 30% descending, 8% average
Duration: 1:23

GPS Track Files for Download
I urge you to explore our hiking tracks with Google Earth. With the virtual 3-dimensional presentation, achieved by panning and tilting the view, you can get a much better idea of the hikes and terrain than you can get from the 2-dimensional screenshot above. For assistance: Using Google Earth Track Files.


New Mexico Magazine: Badlands Walkabout
AllTrails: Mesa Chijuilla

Last Updated on January 30, 2022 by George Young

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