Tag Archives: Jose

San Andres Chicahuaxtla Walkabout & Trail Hike – 01/22-23/2024

This is a post of our visit to Chicahuaxtla during our 5 week visit to Oaxaca. In company with José who we engaged as our guide into this Mixtec and Trique territory of northern Oaxaca. We started at this village … Continue reading

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Tlaxiaco Trail Hike – 01/21/2024

This is a post of one of many hikes or walkabouts that Pat and I enjoyed during our visit to Oaxaca in January of 2024. This one was with friends of our guide José during our first visit to the … Continue reading

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Cerro Danush-Zapotec Trail Hike – 01/22/2023

The 5th hike during our visit to Oaxaca. Pat was to spend the day with José in Teotitlán del Valle, learning about dyeing and weaving. José had also arranged for me to meet up with Alvert for a hike to … Continue reading

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Rainforest Trail Hike and Mirador de Cristal Visit – 01/09/2023

Our fourth outing with Jose, this one to an area that he tells us is the only rain forest in Mexico. It was definitely worth the time and the somewhat torturous drive, to an amazing place. The Drive In After … Continue reading

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Sunrise Mirador Trail Hike – 01/09/2023

This is our 2nd hike during two days visiting Capulálpam, one of the Pueblos Mancomunados, Zapotec villages in the Sierra Norte (TripAdvisor: Pueblos Mancomunados). The day before we had driven from Oaxaca city to Capulálpam and  hiked from Ecoturismo Capulálpam … Continue reading

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Capulálpam Trail Hike – 01/08/2023

Our plans for our visit to Oaxaca this year included hiking in the Sierra Norte mountains. Pat had worked extensively with José, our guide, to plan these and other activities, including a request to make 4-5 mile hikes limited to … Continue reading

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