Category Archives: Sandias, West

In the vicinity of the west slopes of the Sandia Mountains, NM.

Embudito Trail Hike – 02/15/2014

Posted in March 2019.  ‘Twas a long time ago, when we were getting acquainted with the trails in the Sandia Mountains.   Statistics Total Distance:  5.10 miles Elevation: start  6,240 ft, maximum  7,477 ft,  minimum  6,240 ft Gross gain:  1,237 … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Elena Gallegos South Trails Hike – 03/03/2019

Pat & I started early, breakfast at Flying Star on our way to Albuquerque’s wonderful Elena Gallegos Open Space.  ‘Tis close to the city, yet it is truly Open Spaces, giving one the feeling of being away from the city … Continue reading

Posted in 2019, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Embudo Canyon Hike – 03/30/2014

One of our early hikes, checking out trails in the Sandia Heights area of Albuquerque, on the west side of the Sandia Mountains. Statistics Total Distance:  6.44 miles Elevation: start  6,172 ft, maximum  7,922 ft,  minimum  6,171 ft Gross gain:  … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Whitewash Trail Hike – 01/26/2014

This trail is not well documented, although it is used extensively as the latter part of loop hikes, such as up Embudo Canyon or other hikes that go to the top of the Sandias.  The Hike For us, it was … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

La Luz Hike – 08/31/2014

I’m publishing this in 2018, so I don’t have fresh memory of the  hike itself.  But here is the usual technical data, some references, and photo galleries. The Hike Statistics Total Distance:  5.35 miles Elevation: start  7,010 ft, maximum  8,219 … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Elena Gallegos Hike – 02/18/2015

A delayed entry into the Journal.  Pat and  I hiked the trails in Elena Gallegos regularly, before we struck out further from home. Statistics Total Distance:  2.68 miles Elevation: start  6,475 ft, maximum  6,730 ft,  minimum  6,475 ft Gross gain:  … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

La Luz Trail Hike – 05/06/2018

Revisiting the ‘famous’ La Luz trail. We hiked it 4 years ago but went a bit further this time.  The Hike Highlights this day were: Of course the views .. across the Rio Grande Valley and the city, and -up- … Continue reading

Posted in 2018, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Piño Hike – 03/08/2015

Feb 2018: This is another ‘looking back’ entry in our Hiking Journal. One of our many hikes through the Elena Gallegos Open Space and into the Sandia Mountain Wilderness on the Piño Trail. The Hike Jay here: And one of … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Sandias, West | Tagged | Leave a comment

Domingo Baca-TWA Canyon Hike – 03/15/2015

[Feb 2018:  This is another ‘looking back’ entry in our Hiking Journal.] This hike, to the crash site of a TWA airliner, is one of the ‘go to’ hikes in the Sandia Mountains. It begins in Albuquerque’s Elena Gallegos Open … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment

Piedra Lisa-Waterfall Hike – 3/20/2015

[Three years later]: I had seen references to the Waterfall Hike in various places, but was unable to fine any detailed information, except the location of where it intersected with the Piedra Lisa Trail. The Hike Undaunted, Marlin and I … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Sandias, West, Years | Tagged | Leave a comment