Tag Archives: Steve

Durant Nature Park Trails Walk- 06/13/2023

Visiting with Pat’s brother and wife in Raleigh, as is customary we took some time to get in a walk on a trail in one of the many parks in the area. Steve and Sharon chose the Durant Nature Preserve, … Continue reading

Posted in 2023, Hiking, North Carolina, Other States, Years | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Capulálpam Trail Hike – 01/16/2023

The Pueblo Magico of Capulálpam de Médez was high on our list of highlights to introduce to Steve and Sharon. We reserved 2 rooms at Hotel Chorromonte for 2 nights in the center of the Pueblo, from where we could … Continue reading

Posted in 2023, Hiking, Oaxaca | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Wake Forest Walkabouts – 05/2022

During a visit to family in North Carolina, Steve & Sharon brought us to some very nice trails in the vicinity of their home in Wake Forest. These were truly family walkabouts, with people from Raleigh, Tucson, Baraboo,  Seattle, and … Continue reading

Posted in 2022, Hiking, North Carolina, Other States, Years | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

El Cerrito Walkabout – 10/10/2017

Pat’s brother Steve and wife Sharon visited, and of course we included a trip to our cabin, El Cerrito, near Manzano. The Walkabout We made the usual tour of our cabin and 120 acres.  Up the hill from the cabin … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Manzanos | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Kasha-Katuwe Hike – 10/09/2017

Pat’s brother Steve and wife Sharon visited us, giving us the opportunity to show them a view pieces of New Mexico. The Hike After spending the morning in Santa Fe (Pat & Sharon) and flying north to Abiquiu (Steve and … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Badlands, Jemez | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Battleship Rock Hike – 10/06/2017

The Hike A beautiful day for a hike, then coffee, with family from North Carolina.  First time on  the East Fork Jemez River Trail, from Battleship Rock.  Statistics Total Distance:  1.16 miles Elevation: start 6,787 ft, maximum 7,148 ft,  minimum … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Jemez, Years | Tagged , , | Leave a comment