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Category Archives: Jemez
Las Conchas Trail Plus East Fork Jemez River Trail Hike – 09/23/2020
This was our third hike on a 5-day camping trip to the Jemez Mountains with our R-Pod at Jemez Falls Campground. ‘Tis a quite nice campground central in the Jemez Mountains and close to the Valles Caldera. There are many … Continue reading
Valle de San Antonio Hike – 09/22/2020
Our 2nd hike on a 5-day camping trip to the Jemez Mountains with Jay and Nancy. We set up camp in the Jemez Falls Campground, a very nice Forest Service campground in the middle of the Jemez Mountains and close … Continue reading
Cerro Grande Trail Hike – 09/21/2020
This is our first hike on a 5-day camping trip to the Jemez Mountains with friends Jay and Nancy. We set up camp in the Jemez Falls Campground, a very nice Forest Service campground in the middle of the Jemez … Continue reading
Banco Bonito Hike – 07/22/2020
This is our 2nd hike on this camping trip into the Jemez Mountains, camping in the Redondo Campground (see notes from the hike the day before). We ventured again into the southwestern corner of Valles Caldera, with a plan to … Continue reading
Sawyer Mesa Trail Hike – 09/12/2019
Our second hike during a 3-night stay at Jemez Falls Campground. We put this trail on our to-do list on recent hikes such as Cerro Grande and Upper Frijoles Cañon Overlook. The Hike The initial third of a mile or … Continue reading
Valle de San Antonio Hike – 09/11/2019
Another 3 night camping trip to the Jemez, setting up the R-Pod in the Jemez Falls Campground. This is truly a great time of year to go camping and hiking in the Jemez Mountains. We’re fortunate that we can go … Continue reading
Las Conchas Trail Hike – 07/26/2019
This hike isn’t technically in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, but it is so close – we’re associating them. And this Las Conchas Trail on the East Fork of the Jemez River has intrigued us for some time, but we … Continue reading
VC09 Valle San Antonio Hike – 07/25/2019
We’ve been looking forward to visiting the northern part of Valles Caldera; we visited it a few days before – Valles Caldera Driveabout – which piqued our interest. Because I was dealing with a sore foot, we chose an easy … Continue reading
Valles Caldera DriveAbout – 07/14/2019
My brother, Garth, came to visit us for a week. After a few days of working together on the cabin (the usual excuse for him to come to New Mexico), on Sunday with Pat we headed to the Jemez Mountains … Continue reading
VC05 Obsidian Valley Hike – 07/23/2019
Pat and I returned to the Jemez Mountains for a 4-night stay at the Jemez Falls Campground in our R-Pod, planning to explore further in and around Valles Caldera. For our first hike, we visited Obsidian Valley in the Valles … Continue reading